Welcome SCOMathon 2024 Attendees
We are thrilled to announce the v12 release of MP Studio and the v2 release of the Silect Operations Portal. Lots of great new features in both products but we’re most excited about the addition of Power BI to both products. We are now the bundling our Power BI SCOM Dashboards in both MP Studio and the Silect Portal. In addition we are supporting Power BI visualizations of SCOM MPs and SCOM workflows!
We are hosting an event May 28 to launch both releases. Join us to learn how we simply using SCOM.
See below to learn more or better yet get a free evaluation copy using the form below.
Silect Operations Portal
The Silect Portal lets you work with SCOM management packs through an easy-to-use web console. The console enables application developers, business teams and other non-IT groups to add new monitoring or to view and make changes to how their systems are being monitored.
Silect Cloud
The Silect Cloud is a new hosted service being offered by Silect which allows you to author new MPs, create or edit overrides, view MP contents, track changes to your MPs, generate reports and much more! Get started in minutes without the need to provision resources and install and configure software!
Sign up for free at https://cloud.silect.com
MP Studio
MP Studio reduces the complexity of System Center Operations Manager by giving you complete visibility and control over Management Packs (MPs). This level of control lowers operating costs, ensures consistent IT service level monitoring and also makes it easy to expand the reach of Operations Manager to new workloads which can dramatically increase the return on your investment in Operations Manager.
Power BI Dashboards for SCOM
Our new Power BI Dashboards for SCOM have been updated to support SCOM 2022 and SCOM Managed Instance (SCOM MI) and are also included in MP Studio and the Silect Operations Portal.
To learn more please visit https://silect.com/dashboards-for-scom/