Version 11
We are very excited about our version 11 of our family of products for SCOM. We’ve come a long ways since v1 was released in 2005 and v11 represents our best release yet. We’ve assembled some resources to help you learn more about v11:
Read our blog for all the details on this new release or view our v11 launch webinar.
SCOM Explorer
The NEW SCOM Explorer allows exploring and searching within a management group, or just a single MP and all the MPs it references. This includes some hierarchy viewers for visualizing relationships between objects (shift-click for more detail). Allows lookup of live data from a selected management group, for instances and group members.
See a demo of the new SCOM Explorer
New Authoring Features
New Authoring Features including Windows Event Rule and Event Monitor wizards now allow unlimited expression complexity and new wizards for WMI rules and monitors.
See a demo of some of the new authoring features
Compare our MP Authoring and Lifecycle Management Solutions for SCOM